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Radio Free London Podcasts

Radio Free London is a late night radio show on CHRW, the campus radio station of Western University in London, Ontario, Canada.
Monday mornings, 12am til 6am

June 29th

A Canada Day themed Church service from St. James Westminster and more Indie music from Vibrafusion Labs!


This week's service has been in the works for a while, ever since Rector Keith gave his homily (sermon) on the spirituality that he heard in contemporary music while he was growing up in the '60's and '70s.

So he and St. Jame's Music Director, Stephen Holowitz, set about to make that music come alive during a service as well. So instead of playing traditional hymns and Psalms, they chose 7 songs by Canadian artists of the era.

For the rest of the show, I'll feature another week of 'field recordings' that I made at Vibrafusion Labs when I was just starting to get back into recording events for my show after a long hiatus.

I immediately fell in love with the indie music/arts scene the had materialized while I was away from it. Amidst the angst and whirlwind energy, I found SMART music, poetry and art!

This week I'll feature recording from 3 events in early 2015.

Podcast link:

May 25th

Adversity makes you strong from St. James Westminster and a techno dance party... in the house!


It's the seventh week of Easter and the first Sunday after the Ascension of Jesus. This week's theme in music and word reflects on how life ain't always easy but also that adversity can make you stronger as it did for the early Christians.

For the rest of the show, I'll bring you excerpts from a half dozen events I recorded over the last 6 years featuring the best DJs this town has to offer.

Podcast link:

May 18th

Love is the way of the Church from St. James Westminster and mining the rich treasures of the London Music scene!


It's the sixth week of Easter and, as far as I can glean from the music, readings, homily and prayers, the theme for this week's service from St. James is that love of others (or 'agape', as the Greeks called it) is the foundation of the Church on which everything else is built.

In times of crisis, our immediate community becomes far more important. It's the only level of our society that can make sure that folks, who would otherwise be invisible to society at large, don't fall through the cracks.

This is one of those times so lets all spread that agape around and leave nobody in our community behind.

The musical theme for the rest of the show is pretty simple... local music from the '80s and '90s.

Podcast link:

May 11th

The Foundation of the Church from St. James Westminster and honouring The St. Regis Tavern!


It's the fifth week of Easter and the theme for this week's service from St. James is about the foundations of the Christian faith as the apostles try to make sense of the teaching of Jesus or 'the way', as it was called then.

Making sense of a new world order is something on all our minds these days. So, like the apostles, we should learn from adversity and work together to help create a better world on the other side.

I've heard that The St. Regis Tavern will be closing for good soon, collateral damage from the Covid 19 Pandemic. It was a great spot for local music of all genres. My only regret is that I didn't discover that sooner.

So, for the rest of the show, I'll feature some performers that I was lucky enough to have the chance to record there over the past few years.

May 4th

The Good Shepherd from St. James Westminster and part 3 of upbeat music!


It's the fourth week of Easter so the theme for this week's service is The Good Shepherd. We've been told that it'll be another month at least before any decision is made about when the congregation can return to the Church.

Until then and probably a li'le afterwards, I'll continue to record the Services and open my show with them. Regardless of how you feel about religion yourself, I hope you can find some value in the words that are spoken and enjoy the incredible music that is played. I couldn't have asked for a finer window into how my local community is coping with the Covid 19 Pandemic.

The remainder of the show will be part 3 of my ongoing theme of upbeat music, suggested to me by my partner Maya.

So I'll continue doing MY part keeping spirits high and bringing a li'le normalcy into your lives as we all (and I mean ALL) travel through this 'no time's land' together.

May The Good Shepherd watch over us until we reach the other shore.

Podcast link:

April 27th

The Road to Emmaus from St. James Westminster and part 2 of upbeat music!


It's been a month and a half that I've been doing my radio show at home and sending it in to the station for air at its appointed time. I have a good method worked out and reached out the our Program Director, Zahra, to see what I can do to help pass that knowledge on. So I writing a training doc and will help individual hosts smooth out the bumps so we can all do our part to help bring a li'le normalcy to our community when it needs it most.

The recordings of the Services at St. James Westminster are becoming routine as well. Since we've been recording the music and spoken word parts separately, the music has actually become more varied and with more participants. Even folks from out of town have been sending their parts into our Music Director, Stephen Holowitz. He pieces them all together and they're complete songs by the time they get to me. I do my best to make it sound like folks were there.

"When the going gets tough, the weird turn pro!"

From 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' (1971) by Hunter S. Thompson

The rest of the show will be part 2 of upbeat music suggested by my partner Maya, because you can never get enough upbeat music, especially these days.

Podcast link:

April 20th

Another Church service and upbeat music on this show!


This will be the fifth week I've been doing my show at home and the sixth week that I've been recording services at St. James Westminster Anglican Church. For the past couple of weeks we've had to do the spoken word parts and music separately but I've done my best to make it sound like it's all been done in one sitting. This is becoming a really amazing body of work, the music is awesome and the words are a window into the times we are all living through. Whether you're religious or not, it's worth a listen. Churches and other religious institutions have stepped up to the plate to help their immediate communities in times of need for millennia and this is a 21st century iteration of just that.

At the suggestion of my partner, Maya, the rest of this week's show will be dedicated to upbeat, uplifting music.

Podcast link:

April 13th

The Passion of Christ (twice), Easter Sunday Service and rock operas!


It's been a month so far that I've been recording services at St. James Westminster Anglican Church. We've figured out ways to do this safely and it's getting a good response from the congregation and others that have heard them.

This week I'll start the show with The Passion of Christ, the events leading up to and including the crucifixion of Jesus. I recorded this last week so folks could hear it on Good Friday where it belongs.

After that, I'll present the Easter Sunday service with readings from the Stages of the Resurrection and some simply stunning church organ work by Stephen Holowitz (a good sound system is strongly recommended).

For the rest of the show, I'll feature four rock operas from around fifty years ago.

Podcast link:

April 6th

A Palm Sunday service and music for these times.


This was the fourth week I've recorded the Church service at St. James Westminster Anglican Church and I'll start the show this way, as I've done with the others.

Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday as it's sometimes called) is one of the high points of the year for the Christian faith. There is pageantry, choirs, the procession around the signs of the cross and the reading of the Passion of Christ.

Not this year, unfortunately. So we're doing the next best thing, bringing the Church to the people as best we can. The Pastor at St. James has told me that whenever the congregation is allowed to come back, the first public service will be a full production of the Easter Service in all its glory to celebrate.

For the remainder of the show, I'll play music for these times. I spent the week pouring over my music collection to pick out songs that speak to the times we live in.

Podcast link:

March 29th

️️ I'll take you to Church yet again and then another couple of themes in music!


️️ Starting the show tonight, my third recording of the service at St. James Westminster Anglican Church.

This is the new normal for the foreseeable future. I'm happy and honoured to have a live recording to do once a week and will keep doing these as long as I'm needed.

️️ I'll play another two musical themes for the rest of the show. This week you'll hear music pertaining to spring and flight.

Podcast link:

March 23rd

️️ I'll take you to Church again and then through a couple of themes in music!


️️ I recorded another service at St. James Westminster Anglican Church this weekend. I wasn't planning on playing it on my show but then two things happened.

While I was editing the recording of the service, I was marveling at the effort those folks put into to bringing a li'le bit of normalcy into folk's lives by bringing the church service to them this way.

Then the second thing happened!

Radio Western is in the midst of a phased shutdown. The building the station is in will be closing from early evening til early morning, right when my show is!

No show? No way!

I'm still on the air!

So, like St. James, I'll do my part to keep bringing a li'le bit of normalcy to your lives.

️️ The two musical themes comprising the lion's share of the show are, appropriately, heaven, as portrayed in music and women's voices in music (part 2).

Podcast link:

October 14th

️ A singer/songwriter's circle at The London Music Club!


On Saturday, I had the opportunity to do sound for a singer/songwriter's circle at The London Music Club in the intimate Front Room. I knew two of the performers who vouched for me so I could record the other two I didn't. I'm glad I did, it was an amazing night!

Podcast link:

July  8th

More Vinyl (The I was a punk before you were a punk edition!)


Part 2 of my summer project revisiting 94.9 CHRW Radio Western's vinyl library. This week I'll be playing mostly non-Canadian compilations with a focus on punk rock, new wave and alternative music (all names for essentially the same thing depending on who you ask) from the '70s and '80s.

Podcast link:

July 1st

️ A Canada Day special... IF I can pull it off!


️ Well, I WAS able to pull off what I wanted and it turned out better than I thought it would! I was intending to play all Canadian vinyl as I just got access to the 94.9 CHRW Radio Western's record library which has resided in out tech room for a number of years. The station has been making an effort to re-catalog our record library and my Canada Day show was the first opportunity I had to use them for my show.

️ It turned out that the first shelf I looked at had our collection of compilation records. Many of these were limited run LPs put out by radio stations (both commercial and campus or organization promoting a genre or their city's music scene. I also found a number of compilations from the Music Industry Arts - Fanshawe College program dating as early as 1977. For many of the performers on these compilations, this was the only opportunity to get their songs on vinyl.

For all these reasons, I thought that it would be a great way to celebrate Canadian music while showing you some of the treasures in our record library as well!

Podcast link:

June 24th

➡️ David Pearson's last Acoustic Open Mic at the London Music Club of the season and Uncle Dan Henshall's Birthday Bluegrass Bash.


➡️ Unlike bears, the London Music Club hibernates during the summer! So last Friday we tucked the acoustic open stage in summer long snooze. Folks came out in force and fill the signup list and night with music!

➡️ Uncle Dan Henshall's Birthday Bluegrass Bash at the Richmond Tavern is almost a yearly tradition at this point.
It was a nice relaxing way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

We should really have more matinee music shows...

Podcast link:

June 17th

The Manor Park Evening Post live at The Church of the Epiphany!


On Saturday, June 15th, Adam Corrigan Holowitz held his latest episode of The Manor Park Evening Post. This is a variety show in the true spirit of theater review, There was music, stories, skits, poetry... and the inevitable giveaways you see at such events. Adam is a writer, playwright, producer and humourist in the manner of Stephen Leacock and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Stuart McLean. He's everything that's good and holy about English Lit!

Be prepared for a big show with a small cast!

For the remainder of the show, I'll celebrate the Summer Solstice in music, an annual tradition of my own.

Podcast link:

March 4th

➡️ My first new Indie recording since before my cyborg hip replacement!


➡️ It's great to be back on the recording trail again! Tonight you'll hear Isölation Party's LP release event held at Call The Office on Friday, March 1st.

Performances by:

⚡️ Shoobies (London)
⚡️ Father Bodies (Kitchener/Waterloo)
⚡️ Disleksick (London)
⚡️ Isölation Party (London)
⚡️ Deathsticks (Ottawa)

➡️ For the second part of the show, I'll revisit the 'No London' noise fest held at EVAC from September 30th til October 2nd in 2016.

February 11th

For Valentine's day, A Lover's Suite!


Love is just a word, but what gives it its power and depth is context! The concept of love defined by not just our own experiences but also by the common consensus of the literature we read and the music we listen to.

So, for tonight's show, we explore love as defined by my favourite songs on the subject!

I call this show 'A Lover's Suite', covering not just the good but the bad and the ugly as well!

Yes, it's complicated!

February 4th

A new live event recording and remembering the Space Shuttle Columbia crew of mission STS-107.


  First up, a live recording that I made on January 25th at First-St. Andrew's United Church.

Performances by:

⚡️ Jenny Berkel
⚡️ Marty Kolls

The second part of the show will be devoted to remembering the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia who perished 16 years ago this week during reentry after a 17 day flight of doing science in space.

For decades, it has been a tradition of NASA's to wake up the crew of a spacecraft with music. The songs are usually picked by a crewmember's loved ones and rotated through each crewmember during the mission. On this flight, the crew was divided into two teams, the blue & red teams, that were alternated every 12 hours so the experiments could run 24 hours a day. This meant that there was twice as many wake up calls as a usual mission. The doubling of wake up calls gives us a li'le more insight into each crew member that we wouldn't normally get.

So, we'll remember the crew of Columbia in the way that I know best... through music!

Through despair comes hope, so for the final part of the show, we'll hear the wake up music of two Space Shuttle flights that followed the loss of Columbia.

⚡️ STS-115 (Mission 12-A - Atlantis)
⚡️ STS-126 (Mission ULF-2 - Endeavour)

January 28th

Tijuana Night at The Church of the Epiphany!


Another hybrid show tonight, some old, some new.

We were back at The Church of the Epiphany for the fourth time in two months on Saturday evening for Tijuana Night, a tribute to Herb Alpert. The five piece band was headed up by keyboardist Steve Holowitz who lead us on a trip to the past for some great musical memories.

 In keeping with the Latin American theme, I'll also play a recording I made at Sunfest in 2004 of the Toronto base calypso band Cache!

Next up will be another of David Pearson's Acoustic Open Stages at The London Music Hall from December 7th, 2018. This one was lightly attended but the music still flowed and some great collaborations took place!

To finish off the show, my good friend and jazz flutist Jeremy Price and his band recorded in the early 2000s.

January 21st

➡️ During the last couple of months before my hip replacement, I was helping David Pearson by doing sound on the Friday night open stage. He took over for DeRoK in October and, as I've said many times, it takes the two of us to do ALMOST as good a job as him!

➡️ And of course I recorded! Because I was getting ready at home for a couple of months of recovery I didn't have time to do anything with them. But now I do! Also, it'll take me a while before I can get out to do more new recordings at large, so I'll take advantage of those recording for the next li'le while until I get back in shape enough to hit the streets in earnest!

➡️ This week we'll hear the latest open stage from last Friday as well as the last one before my surgery held on December 14th.

January 14th

➡️ I'm back... and with two new event recordings as well!


➡️ I'm back on the air after a month recovering from a hip replacement (the longest break I've taken in almost three decades). I'm still on crutches but it wouldn't be the first time I've done radio this way.

➡️ But while I was away, I actually managed to record two events! (Yes, on crutches!) The first was on New Year's Eve at the Church of the Epiphany a couple of blocks from where I live.

Host and humourist: Adam Corrigan Holowitz

With performances by:

⚡️ Denise Pelley feat/ Steve Holowitz on keyboards.

➡️ The second part of the show will be The London Music Club's Acoustic Open Stage held on Friday, January 11th, now hosted by musician extraordinaire David Pearson.

Podcast link:


December 17th

➡️ A Christmas concert recorded live at The Church of the Epiphany!


➡️ The Church of the Epiphany in my neighbourhood has recently been hosting music events. I had the opportunity last week to record a Yuletide concert there.

Performance by:

⚡️ Jen White on Harp & Robert McMaster on percussion.

I'll devote the rest of the show to the Celtic folk-rock renaissance from the late 60s/early 70s with intermissions from an Irish Céilí at the Black Shire Pub recorded on July 11, 2014

Podcast link:

November 11th

️ Commemorating Remembrance Day on the 100th anniversary of the end of The Great War (which was what it was called before WW II).


Tonight we go to church (and start at 12am).

The concert was held at Church of the Epiphany and it was more than just music. There was also commentary, readings and, yes, some prayer.

️ The rest of this long show will be devoted to music and spoken word along the theme of war.

Lest we forget. 🦇


October 29th

Bones! Live at Alchemy Junk!


On Saturday, Oct. 27th, Alchemy Junk held a Halloween Techno dance party at the warehouse. Costumes abounded... meaning folks were dressed only SLIGHTLY more exotic then usual!

Podcast link:

October 8th

Live at The Loft!


Podcast link:

A dark and somewhat stormy night did stop folks from heading to The Loft for a night of great music. This was an event celebrating the release of a short film by Travis Welowszky about about Nico Lavender.

Podcast link:

September 24th

Part 2 of a tribute to the Demics!


This week I'll dedicate the show to the spirit of the Demics and play you a whole pile of local punk bands that rocked this city's bars over the years.

Podcast link:

September 17th

A Tribute to The Demics | Friday September 14th, live at Call The Office!


The Demics were one of the great punk bands of London back in the late 70s. On Friday evening, September 14th, Call The Office hosted the 40th anniversary of that band's emergence from the primordial ooz! Also being celebrated was 40th for another punk band of the day, NFG (you figure it out). This band later transmogrified into '63 Monroe, who are still playing to this very day.

The Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening was  94.9 CHRW Radio Western's own Skye Sylvain!

Podcast link:

September 10th

Warehouse at Alchemy Junk!


Part 1 of Warehouse, appropriately named for a night of house music! Another great event held by the Alchemy Junk folks!

Podcast link:

August 20th

A Band of Waves in a park!


This week features a new recording after taking a break to screw wood and pound nails. I feel better now...

This Saturday (Aug. 18th) I had the pleasure of recording an outdoor music event held in Weldon Park, Arva.

Performances by:

Jim Benoit
The Band Of Waves

For the remainder of the show, I'll play some jam band recordings 2004.

Podcast link:

July 16th

Let there be live! The early years!


Last week's show focused on the first live performances I recorded after a long hiatus. This week, I'll take you back to 2003 to the beginning of my first stint of recordings I made around town for this radio show.

July 9th

Four (more) years of recording live performances!


I noticed that this week makes four years since I got back into recording live performances around town. I originally started recording in 2002 while doing sound for a now defunct bar. When they closed, I took my laptop and cheap plastic microphone on the street. The 'Wick, The London Music Club, the Richmond and other places provided good radio show fodder for a few years. About 2007, I took my life and radio show in another direction for a while.

But in June of 2014, I dusted off my gear and went lookin' for likely events to record. My first stop was the London Music Club which had always had a good acoustic open stage. After casing the joint for a week (and getting permission to record), I went back the next. It turns out that DeRoK of the now The DeRok and Roll Radio Road Show was guest hosting for the evening.

So, part 1 of the show will be that first recording after a long hiatus from June of 2014, 18 performers from the London Music Club's acoustic open stage.

For part 2 of the show, I'll take you back to my first recording from the Indie scene. In 2014, Davita Gavita (Davita G as we know her) occupied the slot before Radio Free London. When I told her I was recording live performances again, she invited me to record her band 'Moon Hag' and 'Surprise Party' from Hamilton at the Richmond Tavern. Thus was the beginning of a long run of recording MANY events from the indie scene over these last four years!

Podcast link:

July 2nd

Folk `n` bluegrass!


This week's new recording is from a musical birthday celebration of Uncle Dan Henshall of Uncle Dan's Old-Time Radio Hour on 94.9 CHRW Radio Western held at the Richmond Tavern on Thursday, June 28th.

For the remainder of the show, we'll revisit the Allison Brown CD release held at Shangrila Yoga Studio on August 1st, 2015 (feat. Dan Henshall) as well a Dan's blurgrass band, The River Valley String Band from the Woodfield Community Porch Concert Series held on June 23, 2016.

Podcast link:

June 25th

My Mr. Hyde to last week's Dr. Jekyll!

Again, no details, just a bunch of Canadian & local punk!

Podcast link:

June 18th

Celebrating Equinox, the birth of summer!

No details, just a bunch of seasonal and upbeat songs!

June 11th

Clear as a bell live at Call The Office!


Before my radio show last week, I discovered that The Shoobies were playing again at Call The Office on Thursday and thought I'd try to get a better recording of them than I played on that show.

I had a pretty good idea I'd do better this time because Shiraz Ebrahim has always done such a great job doing the sound when I've recorded at CTO in the past. He has tamed that beast of a sound system so that it's a real pleasure to go to there and listen to music.

So, this week I'll devote the show to recording I made at Call The Office with Shiraz at the controls!

Podcast link:

June 4th

REALLY rough around the fringes! Indie rock live at Forbidden City!


It was a hot and steamy night last Monday at Forbidden City. Three local bands and one from Cincinnati were on the bill. Things started out okay with the first band, The Shoobies, but really started to melt down, quite literally, while Manager was playing. The laptop I use to record with overheated and started to glitch out on me. I propped it up to get better airflow and fanned it with my laptop case til the set was over. During the break, I shut down everything but my recording software in the hope that this would reduce the load enough to troop through the rest or the evening.

It seems to have worked because the recording I made of the Cincinnati band, Lung, worked out fine with no glitches. But the fun wasn't over! During the last set with Dong Vegan, the PA melted down during the first song. I made a few adjustments (turned everything down a li'le bit) and we were back on track again!

So, even though a couple of the sets were messed up, I'll play 'em anyways. I try to catch the spirit of an event in my recordings as much as the performances and this will be a true portrait of a hot, loud evening at Forbidden City!

Forbidden City seems to be filling the void left by the closing of Vibrafusion Labs as a downtown indie event spot. So, for the remainder of the show, I'll replay another event from there that happened about a year ago.

Podcast link:

May 28th

The Indie Prom: The Grickle Grass Festival 2018!


This was the 9th Grickle Grass and has become a spring tradition for the indie scene. I call it the 'Indie Prom' because it's spring, folks dress up and it's held on one night. Other than that, it's its own sweet thing!

This was my third year recording at Grickle Grass. I chose to set up at the second floor atrium stage where some of the more exotic acts of the evening were playing.

I'll revisit Grickle Grass's past for the remainder of the show.

Podcast link:

May 21st

Delicious Chaos!


'Music For No One' presents a night of performance art, experimental music, poetry and extreme metal at FORBIDDEN in downtown London. Yet another great event put on by Cailen Dye!

I'll devote the second part of the show to delicious chaos recordings I've done in the past.

Podcast link:

May 14th

Part 2 of Force! A techno dance party celebrating the birth of spring!


Yet another great event at Alchemy Junk! This one was a real prize, This was a minimalist techno dance party as close to 'May the 4th (be with you) as practically possible but also celebrating the first weekend of shirt sleeve weather of the year with sprouts (both plant and human) poking their heads out of the ground!

This was also the longest continuous recording that I've ever make. It almost bit me in the butt because I had some trouble saving it off. But once I resolved THAT issue, I had another: how to fit an eight hour event into a four hour radio show. So, in the name of completeness, Here is the second half of Force!

Podcast link:

May 7th

Force! A techno dance party celebrating the birth of spring!


Yet another great event at Alchemy Junk! This one was a real prize, This was a minimalist techno dance party as close to 'May the 4th (be with you) as practically possible but also celebrating the first weekend of shirt sleeve weather of the year with sprouts (both plant and human) poking their heads out of the ground!

This was also the longest continuous recording that I've ever make. It almost bit me in the butt because I had some trouble saving it off. But once I resolved THAT issue, I had another: how to fit an eight hour event into a four hour radio show. So, in the name of completeness, I'll be playing the first half this week and finish it off on next week's show!

April 30th

Women's voices in music.

Podcast link:

April 23rd

Celebrating the life of Roy McDonald.


Roy McDonald was a philosopher, writer, poet, busker and connector of souls, much loved in the London community for decades. He passed away in January at the age of 80,

On the afternoon of Sunday, March 18th, a celebration of his life was held upstairs in the Covent Garden Market. In true Roy McDonald fashion, we heard stories, poetry and music from those who knew Roy best.

Check out this facebook group to find more about this London icon:

Remembering Roy McDonald

April 16th

Commemorating the last 420 of cannabis prohibition!


Commemorating the last 420 (April 20th) of cannabis prohibition in song, word and humour!

April 9th

Friday Night Live at The London Brewing Co-operative!


Friday Night Live is a weekly musical showcase at London Brewing Co-operative. Run by Jim Sandy MacDonald, it starts early, ends early and is family friendly (as you'll hear). A great addition to the Old East Village community.

For part 2 of the show, we'll RE-revisit an acoustic open stage at the now defunct APK on Clarence St run by Jenny Rensby on Sunday afternoons during the summer of 2015.

Podcast link:

April 2nd

Musical Chairs at St. Regis Tavern!


This week we visit a Saturday evening staple of the London music scene, Gigi Ramone's Musical Chairs! at the St. Regis Tavern.

For part 2 of the show, we'll revisit an acoustic open stage at the now defunct APK on Clarence St run by Jenny Rensby on Sunday afternoons during the summer of 2015.

Podcast link:

March 26th

The Rowbust BCS Dragon Boat Racing Team Benefit concert held at The London Music Club.


This week's show will be a combined effort of Radio Free London and The DeRok and Roll Radio Road Show so tune in at midnight. We'll play all the performances from both stages. The event was held on February 17th, 2018.

March 19th

Revisiting and celebrating International Women's Day, 2017.


This week we'll revisit a celebration of women's music and voices from an event held at Bread and Roses Books, recorded on the evening of March 8th, 2017, International Women's Day.

You'll hear five musical performances as well as poetry and words celebrating women's rights and freedom.

To complete the show, two women poets from other events.

Podcast link:

March 12th

On the fringes at East Village Arts Collective!


This was another short notice recording opportunity. Last Sunday, during the opening of Megan Arnold's 'Play Dead Radio' show, she played the artists from an EVAC event happening that Monday evening. It's been a li'le while since I'd captured some fringe indie stuff, so...

Performances by:

Gum Depot (Adam Gilkes)
Horses, Pass By
Kee Avil

For part 2 of the show, I'll revisit the 'No London' festival held at EVAC from Sept. 30th to March 2nd of 2016.

Podcast link:

March 5th

A benefit for Keeping Kids Warm - Helping Homeless Teens One Stitch At A Time on Mar. 3rd!


Here is how this one played out. I was asked by one of the bands on Friday whether I could record them at the Eastside Bar & Grill on Saturday afternoon, Mar. 3rd. They mentioned it was a benefit to raise money to clothe homeless youth so I jumped at the opportunity. I've recorded at the Eastside B&G before and the sound person, Mike Woroniuk, does a great job there.

It turned out that the benefit was about more than clothing homeless youth but also about youth mental heath, youth suicide and bullying as well. As a partially sight child going through a 'normal' school system, I know what it's like to be bullied by my peers. I was one of the lucky ones, with a loving family a few loyal friends to watch out for me. So, this event became personal for me and I stayed up all night after I got home to get it ready for this week's radio show.

Podcast link:

February 26th

Crazy Beautiful People!


Crazy, Beautiful People is the name chosen for the Home County Folk Festival history project. The festival will have its 50th anniversary in 2023 and this group hopes to create a book, a documentary and web page to commemorate the event. In the tradition of Home County, they are creating music along the way! A fundraiser was held at London Music Club on February 10th, 2018

Performances where held in both the 'big' room and the 'front' room of the LMC. I had the opportunity to record in the big room while DeRok did sound and recorded in the front room.

Podcast link:

February 19th

Fitzrays Indie Wednesday visited and revisited!


From Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th:

Duane Lauzon
Walkin' Stick

Event page: Walkin' Stick and Duane Lauzon - Indie Night

For part 2 of the show, we revisit a Fitzray's Indie Wednesday from Feb. 2, 2017 featuring:

Black Savanna
Canadian Celtic Choir

Podcast link:

February 12th

Tonight, three musical events recorded within 26 hours!


A couple of weekend's ago, I had to the opportunity to do a lot of recording!

From Saturday afternoon, January 27th, the Yess Woah CD release event at The ARTS Project,

From Sunday afternoon, January 28th, The Wood Shed Concert Series event at London Brewing Co-operative, a Children Mental Health fundraiser.

From Saturday evening, January 27th, Gigi Ramone's Musical Chairs! at St. Regis Tavern.

Podcast link:

February 5th

Promoting the Home County Folk Festival Fundraiser at The London Music Club on February 10th.


This week we'll have a listen to two Home County fundraisers from years past, from Nov. 29th, 2015 and Sept. 24th, 2016

Podcast link:

A Radio Free London Special Feature!

The (Almost) Complete Winter Spectacular Recordings!


I have compiled all six radio shows of Winter Spectacular recordings that aired before and after the holidays onto one convenient podcast page. There you will find (almost) all the recording I made over three years and four Winter Spectaculars.

Cheers and enjoy:

John the nitebat

January 29th

Part 3 of the Winter Spectacular V recordings!


This week continues the Winter Spectacular V recordings. with the Fri., Dec. 22nd and Sat. 23rd, 2017 events at 121 Studios.

As with last week, I'll continue revisiting the Spirit of Winter Spectacular's Past for the remainder of the show. This week, more performances from Winter Spectacular II.
Vibrafusionlab - London on Sat., Dec. 17th, 2014:

Podcast link:

January  22nd

Part 2 of the Winter Spectacular V recordings!


This week continues the Winter Spectacular V recordings. with the Fri., Dec. 22nd, 2017 event at 121 Studios:

As with last week, I'll continue revisiting the Spirit of Winter Spectacular's Past for the remainder of the show. This week, more performances from Winter Spectacular III.

January 15th

Part 1 of the Winter Spectacular V recordings!


Tonight's show will be first week of my Winter Spectacular V recordings from N+1 Cycle and the Forest City Gallery on on the evening of Thursday, December 21st, 2017.

For the remainder of the show, I'll continue revisiting the Spirit of Winter Spectacular's Past. This time it's the Thursday, December 17th, 2015 open stage at Vibrafusionlab - London, not really an official WS III event but adopted nonetheless.

January 8th

A hybrid show: A new live recording and revisiting a Techno New Year's Eve!


First off, a live recording from December 9th in the intimate Cellar Lounge of the London Music Club. Tonight's recording is Charles (Chuck) Zurbrigg and Jim Benoit'x first event of their own, and both with accompaniment.

For the remainder of the show, we'll revisit the Techno New Year's Eve 2016 dance party held at the London Ukrainian Centre. There was wonderful art, great light show and amazing beats. A good time was had by all!

January 1st

An Indie New Years Recap!


It's been a great year for recording live music in London!

For this first show of 2018, I wanted to give as broad a cross section as possible of the 2017 music scene. I started by looking at my shortest recordings first. It soon became apparent the mercurial, nova bright energy of the indie scene would be the narrative thread for tonight's show.

I also did my best to record at new venues this year so I picked recordings from as many different places as possible.

Happy new year!


December 25th

A tribute to spaceflight, both human and robotic... and to Carl Sagan, it taught us to look up... and dream!


On the human side of my tribute, you'll here the wake up music from two Space Shuttle missions to the International Space Station. In a long standing tradition of NASA, family members or loved ones would pick a couple of songs for each crew member as wake up music for each day of the mission. Also, Walter Cronkite announcing during the landing of Apollo 11.

On the robotic side, two Mars landing. A rare documentary of the Viking 1 landing in 1976 from Jet Propulsion Labs in California including words from some of the greatest SF authors of all time. The other landing is of Mars Curiosity Rover which landed a few years ago.

To finish the show, a set of space themed music of my choice and an excerpt from the Voyager Golden Record which Carl Sagan produced to be placed on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft which explored the outer planets of the Solar System.

Podcast link:

December 18th

Winter Spectacular Retrospective - Week 3!


It's Winter Spectacular season again! This years festival will be held from December 21st to 23rd. For more information, visit:

Tonight's retrospective will be from Winter Spectacular IV 2016. The music events were from December 15th til the 18th, in various venues. This week, like the last two, we'll touch upon each event in part.

December 11th

Winter Spectacular Retrospective - Week 2!


It's Winter Spectacular season again! As far as I can tell, there WILL be a Winter Spectacular V this year from December 21st to 23rd. For more information, vi

This week will be from Winter Spectacular 2015. To my... dismay, when I looked at that year's recordings, I had over 10 hours worth! The music events happened over four nights, December 16th til the 19th, in half a dozen venues. So, this week, we'll touch upon each event with just one or two performances. It was a hard show to arrange but, hopefully will give you some idea of the range of the music you can expect from this year's Winter Spectacular for 2017.

December 4th

A Winter Spectacular Retrospective!


It's Winter Spectacular season again! As far as I can tell, there WILL be a Winter Spectacular V this year from December 21st to 23rd. For more information, visit:

Do, for the next three weeks, I will be revisiting the spirits of Winter Spectaculars past! This week will be from Winter Spectacular 2014. All performances were recorded at Vibrafusion Labs between December 17th and 20th, 2014.

November 27th

This week, the fourth Woodfield Porch Concert Series held on June 29th of this year.

Performing that night were:

Jenny Berkel
Thom Coombes

For the remainder of the show, we'll revisit the second Woodfield Porch Concert from June of 2016 with performances by:

The River Valley Stringband
My Father's Son

November 20th

The 'F' word!

November 13th

A Woodfield Community Porch Concert and honouring Remembrance Day in music.

First off, a recording I made of the third Woodfield Community Porch Concert Series held on June 15th of this year.

The rest of the show will be part II of honouring Remembrance Day in music. This week it'll be songs centered around the First and Second World Wars.

November 6th

The 94.9 CHRW Radio Western Fundraiser and some bluegrass!

The first part of the show will be the CHRW fundraiser held at Call The Office on October 28th.

The rest of the show is devoted to a bluegrass concert held at the Parkwood Veterans Hospital a couple of years ago in commemoration of Remembrance Day. Featuring:

Rhyme and Reason

Podcast link:

October 30th

'Just Folk' revisited!

On tonight's show, three rather folksy performances, two recorded recently and one from a couple of years ago.

From October, Friday the 13th, performing in the intimate 'Front Room' of the London Music Club:

Mike Hagarty and Andy Hayes
Black Savanna

From August 1st, Allison Brown's CD Release held at Shangrila Yoga Studio.

October 23rd

A hybrid show tonight!

The first hour will be devoted to an indie gig I recorded last Monday at The Richmond Tavern.

Event page: Radiation Risks/Klazo/Manager at the Richmond Early Show! 8pm

For the rest of the show, I'll continue my series of themed music arrangements. This weeks topic of interest is 'contrasts'.

As you may have guessed, I enjoy a wide range of music. I also like performers and bands that cover a lot of musical range in their own repertoire.

So, tonight, two songs from each performer or band to show their diversity!

October 9th

Just a 'regular' good ol' music show!

Tonight, I'm going to take a li'le holiday from the recordings and give you the kind of radio show I've done for most of my thirty plus years here at 94.9 CHRW Radio Western.

The musical theme tonight is one appropriate for a Thanksgiving holiday weekend... Home!

What I like to do with theme shows like this is to cover as many aspects and genres of a given topic as I can find.

October 2nd

Two recent recording for your listening pleasure!

The first event I'll be playing is from The Wood Shed Concert Series held at The London Brewing Co-operative on Sunday, September 19th

For the rest of the show, I'll play a recording I made in an Old East Village apartment during an afternoon music creation session held every week. Everyone attending was a multi-instrumentalist, changing instruments between songs. I was the only 'audience' there so I thought I air this one to give you an idea what a crucible of music is like when it's done by pros!

️ A late addition to fill in til the end of the show is a recording I made at the Hippy Cafe back in 2004 of local jam band, The Riderless!

Podcast link:

September 25th

The TURBINE Tapes!

The biggest techno event in many months was held on Saturday, September 16th at Justin Bardawill's new space, The Alchemy Junk Warehouse. Justin invited me to record the mix and I gladly accepted!

September 18th

The first part of the show is from a benefit event at @Forbidden City for The Native Women's Association of Canada held on August 26th!

The second half will be devoted to the Our Friends Electric experimental electronic event held at The SoHo Bar and Grill on September 14th.

September 11th

  I promised myself this year that I'd concentrate on recording at new venues to try to cut a wider swath through the London music scene. So back on June 17th, I recorded for the first time at Life of Leisure Surf + Social Club in Old East Village.

To end the show for this week, a retrospective dive with a recording I made at The London Music Club on October 22nd, 2005 featuring The Robbie Antone Band!

September 4th

Last week and this, Radio Free London has teamed up with The DeRok and Roll Radio Road Show to bring you the complete Back To The Garden 2017!

August 28th

On tonight's show, Part 1 of Back To The Garden 2017

August 21st

On tonight's show, another recording from Fitzrays Indie Wednesday, featuring:

For the second part of the show, we revisit a recording I made about two years ago at the APK Live. Jenny Rensby was hosting an acoustic open stage on the patio (weather permitting) on Sunday afternoon's that summer. Tonight I'll feature Yessica Woahneil doing her first full length sets in front of the public.

Podcast link:

August 14th

The first half of tonight's show is a recording from East Village Arts Collective's Collectively Speaking Saturday evening performance of electronic artists:

As part of my 'retro summer project' I have two recordings that aren't mine but are certainly worth some airtime:

Red Fishy Wins - Take Down The Borders:
This six song cassette was recorded in 1992.

Erin Clarke at the Home County Folk Festival in (approx.) 2005.

Last but certainly not least, a musical tribute to my cat, Lazarus Long, who passed away in my arms a couple of weeks ago. He was 17 years old and had a good life.

August 7th

We srt the show with a quick turnaround in the 'new' department, recorded at Forbidden City this last Saturday, August 5th:

In the 'old' department, two recordings that I made in 2004 at the infamous Hippy Cafe:

July 31st

  Starting off the show is a new recording I made at Call The Office on Wednesday, July 19th featuring two bands.

  Ne up is an It's Trash record label special recorded at Vibrafusion Labs in 2014.

Finally, continuing my retro Radio Free London 'summer project', a mix tape made by the 17 year old son of a friend of mine to celebrate 1997, the 'Year of the Punk', originally aired on December 29th, 1997.

July  17th

️ To open up the show, I have a special retrospective treat... from the early 1940s!

My father was a gadget freak much like me. In the early 1940s, he bought a Wilox-Gay Recordio (pictured below), a combination radio, record player and record CUTTER as well! The record player had two arms. One was on a worm gear and was spring loaded so it would press down on the blank record's surface that was used to record with. The other arm was used to play the records you made back.

So the first set of music on tonight's show will be my parents, relatives and friends making music... 75 years ago!

️ The rest of tonight's show will be yet another Radio Free London retrospective, this time from (only) 20 years ago in the late nineties.

July  10th

Tonight's show is a mixed bag, a recent live recording, a recording that got turned into an album ad another Radio Free London retrospective, this time from the late 90s.

DeRoK (of the The DeRok and Roll Radio Road Show) took a recording that I made of his performance at Fitzray's Restaurant & Lounge a few months ago and made an album out it! Not just a digital one but a actual CD with a printed label! I think it's great that artists can do stuff like this with my recordings.

The tale end this week's show will be another Radio Free London retrospective, which I recorded to cassette in the late 90's (as close as I could date it). The cassette was labeled 'Noise 'R' Us'. I was going through a hard core phase back then, musically speaking... (more on that next week. )