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Radio Free London Podcasts

Radio Free London is a late night radio show on CHRW, the campus radio station of Western University in London, Ontario, Canada.
Monday mornings, 12am til 6am ET.

This week on Radio Free London for April 20th

Another Church service and upbeat music on this show!


This will be the fifth week I've been doing my show at home and the sixth week that I've been recording services at St. James Westminster Anglican Church. For the past couple of weeks we've had to do the spoken word parts and music separately but I've done my best to make it sound like it's all been done in one sitting. This is becoming a really amazing body of work, the music is awesome and the words are a window into the times we are all living through. Whether you're religious or not, it's worth a listen. Churches and other religious institutions have stepped up to the plate to help their immediate communities in times of need for millennia and this is a 21st century iteration of just that.

At the suggestion of my partner, Maya, the rest of this week's show will be dedicated to upbeat, uplifting music.

This is our way of showing strength and keeping spirits high.

Most of the music is from the 50s, 60s and 70s, a time of major cultural change. Lets look at these times as an opportunity to reflect on how WE can make changes to OUR society to make it better.

Culture is ALWAYS a work in progress.

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