On the
human side of my tribute, you'll here the wake up music from two Space
Shuttle missions to the International Space Station. In a long standing
tradition of NASA, family members or loved ones would pick a couple of
songs for each crew member as wake up music for each day of the
mission. Also, Walter Cronkite announcing during the landing of Apollo
️ On
the robotic side, two Mars landing. A rare documentary of the Viking 1
landing in 1976 from Jet Propulsion Labs in California including words
from some of the greatest SF authors of all time. The other landing is
of Mars Curiosity Rover which landed a few years ago.
finish the show, a set of space themed music of my choice and an
excerpt from the Voyager Golden Record which Carl Sagan produced to be
placed on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft which explored the outer
planets of the Solar System.