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June 4th to December 31st, 2023

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St. James Sunday Service for December 31st, 2023

Father Michael Bruce and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Opening Hymn CP #121 'O Little Town of Bethlejem'

Gradual Hymn  CP #72 'What Child is this, Who, Laid to Rest'

Offertory Hymn  CP #145 'Good King Wenceslas'
Offertory Hymn  CP #145 'Good King Wenceslas'

Communion Hymn CP #126 'Away in a Manger'

Closing Hymn  CP #153 'Good Christians All, Rejoice'

St. James Sunday Service for December 24th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

'Mary, Love Forever Being Born' by Kelly Latimore
(As described by Deacon Gerry Adam during the homily)
'Mary, Love Forever Being Born' by Kelly Latimore

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn - Advent Gathering Song 2018

Presentation Hymn CP #656 'She Comes Sailing on the Wind'
Presentation Hymn CP #656 'She Comes Sailing on the Wind'

Communion Hymn  'We Watch, We Wait, We Hope, We Pray'
Communion Hymn  'We Watch, We Wait, We Hope, We Pray'

Recessional Hymn CP #91 'People, Look East, The Time Is Near'

St. James Sunday Service for December 17th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Peter Clements played an original composition on the grand piano, Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Emilie Paraskevas and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn - Advent Gathering Song 2018

Presentation Hymn CP #109 'When the King Shall Come Again'

Communion Hymn  CP #397 'Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness'

Recessional Hymn CP #101 'Hail to the Lord's Anointed'

St. James Sunday Service for December 10th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Peter Clements played the grand piano for the prelude, Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloists Jack Sizeland and Victoria Piovesan with The St. James Westminster Choir.
Doreen Barnett played the grand piano after the service.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn - Advent Gathering Song 2018

Presentation Hymn CP #102 'Prepare the Way, O Zion'

Communion Hymn  CP #100 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'

Recessional Hymn  CP #108 'Hark, a Herald Voice Is Sounding'

St. James Sunday Service for December 3rd, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Peter Clements played an original composition on the grand piano, Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Duncan Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn - Advent Gathering Song

Presentation Hymn CP #89 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'
Presentation Hymn CP #89 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'

Communion Hymn  CP #94 'Wait for the Lord'

Recessional Hymn  CP #88 'Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus'

St. James Westminster Sunday Service for November 26th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #381 'Praise My Soul'

Offertory Hymn CP #378 'Crown Him with Many Crowns'

Communion Hymn CP #48 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence'

Recessional Hymn CP #383  'Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun'

St. James Westminster Sunday Service for November 19th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ with Liam Martin on viola. They were accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #420 'Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him'

Offertory Hymn CP  #508 'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say'

Communion Hymn  CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'
Communion Hymn  CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'

Recessional Hymn  CP #393 'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise'

St. James Westminster Sunday Service for November 12th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloists Victoria Piovesan and Duncan Sizeland with the St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #10 'We, the Lords People'

Psalm 78

Offertory Hymn CP #458 'Seek Ye First'

Communion Hymn CP #686 'Here I Am, Lord'

Recessional Hymn CP #486 'Love Devine, All Loves Excelling '

St. James Westminster Remembrance Day Sunday Service
November 5th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ with Paul Stevenson on trumpet.
 They were accompanied by soloists Paul Grambo, Duncan Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #528 'O God, Our Help in Ages Past'

Hymn CP #24 'Abide with Me'

Offertory Hymn CP #567 'Eternal Father, Strong to Save'

Communion Hymn CP #543 'Unto the Hills around Do I Lift Up'

Recessional Hymn CP #575 'Let Streams of Living Justice'
Recessional Hymn CP #575 'Let Streams of Living Justice'

St. James Westminster Sunday Service for October 29th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano, Duncan Sizeland played guitar.
They were accompanied by soloists Stephanie Manias, Victoria Piovesan
The St. James Westminster Choir

Hymns for this Service
Processional Song 'Doxology'
Processional Song 'Doxology'

Offertory Hymn CP #354 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing'

Communion Song 'Down to the River to Pray'

Communion Song 'Wade in the Water'
Communion Song 'Wade in the Water'

Recessional Song 'Guide My Feet'

Service to Induct Father Michael Bruce as Pastor
of St. James Westminster on October 22nd, 2023

Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan and The St. James Westminster Choir

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #355  'All Creatures of Our God and King'
Processional Hymn CP #355  'All Creatures of Our God and King'

Offertory Hymn  CP #438 'O Jesus, I Have Promised'
Offertory Hymn  CP #438 'O Jesus, I Have Promised'

Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'

Recessional Hymn  CP #602 'Lift High the Cross'

St. James 150th Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Sunday Services for October 22nd, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ
accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan

St. James 150th Anniversary 10:30 a.m. Sunday Services for October 22nd, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ
accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan
The St. James Westminster Choir

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #470 'Seek Not in Distance, Ancient Hills'

Offertory Hymn 'Hymn for Founder's Day 1877'

Communion Hymn 'Hymn for a Parish Anniversary'

Processional Hymn CP #470 'Seek Not in Distance, Ancient Hills'

St. James Sunday Service for October 15th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #434 'The Love of Jesus Calls Us'

Offertory Hymn  CP #404 'The Trumpets Sound, the Angels Sing'

Communion Hymn  'Sanctuary'

Recessional Hymn  CP #278 'Jerusalem the Golden'

St. James Sunday Service for October 8th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ
accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #262 'Come, Ye Thankful People, Come'

Offertory Hymn CP #259 'For the Fruit o All Creation'

Communion Hymn 'Simple Gifts'

Recessional Hymn  CP #399 'Now Thank We All Our God'

St. James Sunday Service for October 1st, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ
accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #384  'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'
Processional Hymn  CP #384  'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'

Offertory Hymn CP #387  'All Praise to Thee'

Communion Hymn CP #354 'Come,Thou Fount of Every Blessing'

Recessional Hymn  CP #330 'O Praise Ye the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for September 24th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  'Gather Us In'
Processional Hymn  'Gather Us In'

Offertory Hymn CP #506  'Lord of All Hopefulness'

Communion Hymn  'Morning Has Broken'

Recessional Hymn CP #344  'From All That Dwell Below the Skies'

St. James Sunday Service for September 17th, 2023

Canon Dawn Davis presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan and the St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #391  'Sing Ye Praises to the Father'

Offertory Hymn CP #508 'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say'

Communion Hymn  'Make Me a Channel of Your Peace'
Communion Hymn  'Make Me a Channel of Your Peace'

Recessional Hymn CP #312 'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'
Recessional Hymn CP #312 'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for September 10th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #425 'Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee'

Psalm 149

Offertory Hymn  CP #342 'We Praise You, O God'

Communion Hymn CP #533 'Ubi Caritas et Amor'

Recessional Hymn CP #300 'Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation'
Recessional Hymn CP #300 'Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation'
Recessional Hymn CP #300 'Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation'

St. James Sunday Service for September 3rd, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #384  'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'
Processional Hymn CP #384  'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'

Psalm 105 'Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph'

Offertory Hymn  CP #430 'Will You Come and Follow Me'

Communion Hymn CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'
Communion Hymn CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'

Recessional Hymn CP #537 'In the Cross of Christ I Glory'

St. James Sunday Service
August 27th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Ralph Thorn played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Katy Clark

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #1 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'
Processional Hymn  CP #1 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'

Vocal Solo 'My Eyes For Beauty Pine'
Vocal Solo 'My Eyes For Beauty Pine'
Vocal Solo 'My Eyes For Beauty Pine'

Offertory Hymn  CP #388 'Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken'

Hymn CP #656 'Praise The Lord, Ye Heav'ns, Adore Him'

Communion Hymn CP #494 'Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels'

Recessional Hymn CP #391 'Sing Ye Praises to the Father'

St. James Sunday Service for August 20th, 2023

Father Michael Bruce presided over the Service.
Ralph Thorn played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Katy Clark.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #564 'Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us'

Psalm 113 'Second Sunday of Easter'
Psalm 113 'Second Sunday of Easter'

Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'
Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'
Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'
Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'
Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'
Communion Vocal Solo 'A Clare Denediction'

Communion Hymn CP #140 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'
Communion Hymn CP #140 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'
Communion Hymn CP #140 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness'

Recessional Hymn CP #486 'Love Divine, All Loves Excelling'

St. James Sunday Service for August 13th, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Ralph Thorn played the pipe organ and accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #564 'Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us'

Vocal Solo 'Lead Me, Lord'

Offertory Hymn  CP #375 'At the Name of Jesus'
Offertory Hymn  CP #375 'At the Name of Jesus'

Communion Hymn CP #70 'Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts'

Recessional Hymn CP #527  'How Firm A Foundation'

St. James Sunday Service for August 6th, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Ralph Thorn played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #112 'O God, Beyond All Face and Form'

Hymn CP #86 'More Than We Can Ask or Imagine'

Offertory Hymn  CP #533 'Jesus, Lover of My Soul'

CommunionCommunion Vocal Solo 'Let Us Break Bread Together' Hymn CP #70 'Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts'
Communion Vocal Solo 'Let Us Break Bread Together'

Communion Hymn CP #54 'Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken'
Communion Hymn CP #54 'Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken'

Recessional Hymn CP #210  'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

St. James Sunday Service for July 30th, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
with Shen Jones on clarinet accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #631 'The Kingdom of God I Justice and Joy'

Psalm 105
Psalm 105

Offertory Hymn  CP #48 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence'

Communion Hymn CP #314  'Jesus, Joy of Our Desiring'

Recessional Hymn #210  'Your Be the Glory, Risen, Conquering Son'
Recessional Hymn #210  'Your Be the Glory, Risen, Conquering Son'

St. James Sunday Service for July 23rd, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by soloist Natalie Grant
with special guests Alecandre von Wartburg on bassoon and Eliza Lam on the grand piano.

Hymns for this Service
Hymn CP #538 'Nearer, My God, to Thee'

Hymn CP #505 'Be Thou My Vision'

Hymn CP #337 'God, Your Glorious Presence'

St. James Sunday Service for July 16th, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano
accompanied by Duncan Sizeland on guitar and vocals.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #429 'For the Beauty of the Earth'

Communion Hymn CP #307  'When Long Before Time'
Communion Hymn CP #307  'When Long Before Time'

Recessional Hymn #502  'You Are Salt for the Earth'
Recessional Hymn #502  'You Are Salt for the Earth'

St. James Sunday Service for July 9th, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and Hammond B3 organ accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #384 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'

Hymn CP #385 'Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness'

Offertory Hymn  CP #354 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing'

Communion Hymn CP #156  'Just a Closer Walk with Thee'

St. James Sunday Service for July 2nd, 2023

Canon Adèle Miles presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #453 'Living Lord of Love's Dominion'

Hymn CP #401 'My Life Flows On in Endless Sonng'

Offertory Hymn  CP #508 'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say'

Communion Hymn CP #532  'Amazing Grace'

Recessional Hymn #344  'From All That Swell Below the Skies'

St. James Sunday Service for June 25th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and grand piano accompanied by soloists Katy Clark and Victoria Piovesan with The St. James Westminster Choir.

Image related to the homily
I, God, Delight In Being A Woman

Hymns for this Service

Processional Hymn CP #484 'In Christ There I No East or West'

Recessional Hymn #330  'O Praies Ye the Lord'

Recessional Hymn #330  'O Praies Ye the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for June 18th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by Duncan Sizeland on guitar and vocals with The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn  CP #418 'Draw the Circle Wide'

'Bless the Lord My Soul'

Offertory Hymn  CP #407 'Many and Great, O God, Are You Works'

Recessional Hymn  'Guide My Feet'

St. James Sunday Service for June 11th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

Images related to the Homily
Laser Sailboat

The Mayflower
The Mayflower

Hymns for this Service

Processional Hymn  CP #10 'We, the Lord's People'

Offertory Hymn  CP #134 'All My Hope on God is Founded'

Recessional Hymn #438  'God Who Gives to Life Its Goodness'

St. James Sunday Service for June 4th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

Image related to the Homily
To Judge Or Not To Judge

Hymns for this Service

Processional Hymn  CP #1  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'
Processional Hymn  CP #1  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'

Offertory Hymn CP #560 'God, Whose Almight Word'

Communion Hymn CP #494  'Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels'

Recessional Hymn  CP #565 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'