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Service to Induct Father Michael Bruce as Pastor
of St. James Westminster on October 22nd, 2023

Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Victoria Piovesan and The St. James Westminster Choir

Hymns for this Service

Processional Hymn CP #355  'All Creatures of Our God and King'
Processional Hymn CP #355  'All Creatures of Our God and King'

Offertory Hymn  CP #438 'O Jesus, I Have Promised'
Offertory Hymn  CP #438 'O Jesus, I Have Promised'

Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Communion Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'

Recessional Hymn  CP #602 'Lift High the Cross'