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St. James Westmeninster Church Services

There are now in person Services every Sunday morning at 8:30am and 10:30am.
Contact the office for details: or phone 519-432-1915

Click on the links below to listen to Sunday Services for the corresponding date range.
March 15th to Nov. 22nd, 2020 - Nov. 29th, 2020 to May 9th, 2021
  May 23rd to Oct. 24th, 2021 - Oct. 31st 2021 to April. 3rd, 2022
April 10th 2022 to October 30th, 2022

Click on the links below to hear the Service for that date.
(If you don't see this week's Service listed, refresh the page)

149th Founders' Day
St. James 8:30 a.m. Sunday Service for October 30th, 2022

Reverend Keith Nethery presided over the Service. Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo.

St. James 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service for October 30th, 2022

Reverend Keith Nethery presided over the Service. Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano, Hayoon Kim played the grand piano accompanied by The Amabile Choir.

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #1   'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'
Processional Hymn CP #1   'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'

Presentation Hymn 'Morning Has Broken'
Presentation Hymn 'Morning Has Broken'

Recessional Hymn CP #403  'Let All Things Now Living'

St. James Sunday Service for October 23rd, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn 'Cameroon Processional Song'

Hymn CP #509 'Precious Lord, Take My Hand'

Presentation Hymn  CP #423 'How Great Thou Art'
Presentation Hymn  CP #423 'How Great Thou Art'

Hymn 'Holy Holy Holy'

Hymn 'O My Lord With All Your Mercy'

Communion Hymn CP#352 'Amazing Grace'

Recessional Hymn 'Guide My Feet'

St. James Sunday Service for October 16th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #5  'Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies'

Presentation Hymn  CP #101 'Hail to the Lord's Anointed'

Communion Hymn CP#575 'Let Streams of Living Justice'

Recessional Hymn CP #560  'God, Whose Almighty Word'

Thanksgiving Lessons and Carols

St. James 8:30 a.m. Sunday Service for October 9th, 2022

St. James 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service for October 9th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #425  'Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee'

Hymn CP #262 'Come, Ye Thankfull People, Come'

Hymn CP #259 'For the Fruit of All Creation'

Hymn CP #399 'Now Thank We All Our God'

St. James Sunday Service for October 2nd, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #337  'God, Your Glorious Presence'

Hymn CP #407 'Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works'

Presentation Hymn  CP #397 'Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness''

Communion Hymn 'All Lives Are One'

Recessional Hymn CP #330  'O praise Ye the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for September 25th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #1  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'
Processional Hymn CP #1  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'

Hymn CP #531 'On Eagles Wings'
Hymn CP #531 'On Eagles Wings'

Presentation Hymn  CP #134  'All My Hope On God Is Founded'

Communion Hymn CP#134 'Blest Are the Pure in Heart'

Recessional Hymn CP #428  'God Who Gives to Life Its Goodness'

St. James Sunday Service for September 18th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn 'Gather Us In'
Processional Hymn 'Gather Us In'

Hymn CP #423 'There Is a Balm in Gilead'

Presentation Hymn  CP #576  'For the Healing of the Nations'

Communion Hymn CP #553 'Ubi Caritas et Amor'

Recessional Hymn CP #572  'Let There Be Light'

St. James Sunday Service for September 11th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #349  'All People That on Earth Do Dwell'
Processional Hymn CP #349  'All People That on Earth Do Dwell'[Page 2]

Hymn CP #500 'Sister, Let Me Be Your Servant

Presentation Hymn  CP #312  'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'
Presentation Hymn  CP #312  'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'

Communion Hymn (Psalm 23) 'The Lord's My Shepherd'
Communion Hymn (Psalm 23) 'The Lord's My Shepherd'
Communion Hymn (Psalm 23) 'The Lord's My Shepherd'

Recessional Hymn CP #393  'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise'
Recessional Hymn CP #393  'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise'

St. James Sunday Service for September 4th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #381  'Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven'
Processional Hymn CP #381  'Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven'

Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'
Hymn CP #436 'I Bind unto Myself Today'

Presentation Hymn  CP #529  'God, My Hope on You Is Founded'

Communion Hymn CP #431 'Take Up Your Cross, the Saviour Said'

Recessional Hymn CP #434  'The Love of Jesus Calls Us'

St. James Sunday Service for August 28th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #387  'All Praise to Thee'

Hymn CP #87 'Deck Yourself, My Soul, with Gladness'

Presentation Hymn  CP #394  'Eternal, Unchanging'

Hymn CP #139 'How Firm A Foundation'

Communion Hymn CP #60 'I Come with Joy'

Recessional Hymn CP #631  'The Kingdom of God Is Justice and Joy'

St. James Sunday Service for August 21th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #398 'Let Us with a Gladsome Mind'

Hymn CP  #541 'As Langs the Hart for Flowing Streams'

Presentation Hymn CP #603  'There's a Wideness in God's Mercy'

Communion Hymn CP #334 'Holy God, We Praise Your Name'

Recessional Hymn CP #508 'I heard the Voice of Jesus Say'

St. James Sunday Service for August 14th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Allmighty'
Processional Hymn  'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Allmighty'

Lead Me, Lord

Presentation Hymn CP #354  'Thou Fount Holy Blessing '

Communion Hymn CP #401 'My Life Flows On in Endless Song'

Recessional Hymn CP #565 'Guie Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'

St. James Sunday Service for August 7th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #391 'Sing Ye Praises th the Father'

Hymn CP #70 'Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts'
Hymn CP #70 'Jesus, the Joy of Loving Hearts'

Presentation Hymn CP #300 'Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation'

Communion Hymn CP #439 'Blest Are the Pure in Heart'

Recessional Hymn CP #278 'Jerusalem the Golden'

St. James Sunday Service for July 31st, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #425 'Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee'

Hymn 'On Eagles Wings'

Presentation Hymn CP #337 'Blessed Assurance'

Communion Hymn 'Morning Has Broken'

Recessional Hymn CP #415 'All Things Bright and Beautiful'

St. James Sunday Service for July 24th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #337 'God, Your Glorious Presence'

Presentation Hymn CP #429 'Come, 'For the Beauty of the Earth'

Communion Hymn CP #512 'I Want Jesus to Walk with Me'

Recessional Hymn 'Wade in the Water'
Recessional Hymn 'Wade in the Water'

St. James Sunday Service for July 17th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #384 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'
Processional Hymn CP #384 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'

Vocal Solo ‘My Lord, What a Morning'
Vocal Solo ‘My Lord, What a Morning'

Recessional Hymn CP #344 'From All That Dwell Below the Skies'

St. James Sunday Service for July 10th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Prelude CP #389 'O God of Font and Altar'

Processional Hymn CP #412 'O God, Beyond All Face and Form'

Hymn CP #458 'Seek Ye First'.png

Presentation Hymn CP #354 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing'

Communion Hymn 'Ubi Caritas et Amor'

Recessional Hymn 'Good to Be Loved by You'
Recessional Hymn 'Good to Be Loved by You'

St. James Sunday Service for July 3rd, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #349 'All People That on Earth Do Dwell'

'Psalm 85'

Presentation Hymn CP #423 'Tho Great Thou Art'
Presentation Hymn CP #423 'Tho Great Thou Art'

Communion Hymn 'Make Me a Channel of Your Peace'
Communion Hymn 'Make Me a Channel of Your Peace'

Recessional Hymn CP #631 'The Kingdom of God Is Justice and Joy'

St. James Sunday Service for June 26th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #465 'Here in This Place New Light is Streaming (Gather Us In)'
Processional Hymn CP #465 'Here in This Place New Light is Streaming (Gather Us In)'

Hymn CP #484 'In Christ There Is No East or West'

Presentation Hymn CP #575 'Let Streams od Living Justice'
Presentation Hymn CP #575 'Let Streams od Living Justice'

Communion Hymn CP #579 'O Healing River'
Communion Hymn CP #579 'O Healing River'
Communion Hymn CP #579 'O Healing River'

Recessional Hymn CP #576 'For the Healing of the Nations'

St. James Sunday Service for June 19th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'
Processional Hymn CP #585 'Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service'

Hymn CP #541 'As Longs the Hart for Flowing Streams'

Presentation Hymn CP #418 'Draw the Circle Wide'

Recessional Hymn 'I Feel the Winds of God Today'

St. James Sunday Service for June 12th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #1 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'
Processional Hymn CP #1 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty'

Trinity Sunday 'Psalm 8'

Processional Hymn CP #560 'God, Shose Almighty Word'

Communion Hymn CP #569 'Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life'

Recessional Hymn CP #565 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'

St. James Sunday Service for June 5th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn 'Weni Sancte Spiritus, Come, Holy Spirit'

Hymn CP# 635 'Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song'

She comes Sailing on the Wind
She comes Sailing on the Wind

Hymn CP # 'Holy Spirit, Come with Power'
Hymn CP # 'Holy Spirit, Come with Power'

St. James Sunday Service for May 29th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #387 'All Praise to Thee'

Psalm 99

Presentation Hymn CP #453 'Living Lord of Love's Dominion'

Communion Hymn CP #505 'Be Thou My Vision'

Recessional Hymn CP #524 'O Christ, the Great Foundation'

St. James Sunday Service for May 22nd, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #10 'We, the Lord's People'

Psalm 67 'Sixth Sunday of Easter'

Presentation Hymn CP #330 'O Praise Ye the Lord'

Communion Hymn CP# 649 'Breathe on Me, Breath of God'

Recessional Hymn CP# 278 'Jerusalem the Golden'

St. James Sunday Service for May 15th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #355 'All Creatures of Our God and King'
Processional Hymn CP #355 'All Creatures of Our God and King'

Psalm 148

Presentation Hymn CP #378 'Crown Him with Many Crowns'

Communion Hymn CP# 500 'Sister, Let Me Be Your Servant'

St. James Sunday Service for May 8th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #520 'The King of Love My Shepherd Is'

Presentation Hymn CP #519 'The Lord's My Shepherd'

'The Lord's My Shepherd'

'Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep'

St. James Sunday Service for May 1st, 2022

This week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #3 'Morning Has Broken'

Psalm 30

'Let My Life Be Prayer'

'This Little Light of Mine'

'Over my head'

St. James Sunday Service for April 24th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #215 'Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain'

Hymn CP #212 'Alleluia! The Strife Is O'er'

Hymn CP #225 'Come Away to the Skies'

St. James Easter Sunday Service for April 17th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #203 'Jesus Christ Is Risen Today'
Processional Hymn CP #203 'Jesus Christ Is Risen Today'

Psalm 118

Presentation Hymn CP #206 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today'

Communion Hymn CP# 231'That Eastertide with Joy Was Bright'

Recessional Hymn CP# 210 'Yours Be the Glory'

St. James Good Friday Service for April 15th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #198 'O Sacred Head, Surrounded'

Hymn CP #184 'My Song Is Love Unknown'

Hymn CP #386 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross'

St. James Passion Sunday Service for April 10th, 2022

This week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #181 'All Glory, Laud, and Honour'

'Hosanna in the Highest'

Hymn CP #179 'Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery'

Hymn CP #573 'In the Cross of Christ I Glory'

Hymn CP #184 'My Song Is Love Unknown'

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