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St. James Westmeninster Church Services

Services are held every Sunday morning at 8:30am and 10:30am.
Contact the office for details: or phone 519-432-1915

Click on the links below to listen to Sunday Services for the corresponding date range.
March 15th to Nov. 22nd, 2020 - Nov. 29th, 2020 to May 9th, 2021 - May 23rd to Oct. 24th, 2021
Oct. 31st 2021 to April. 3rd, 2022 - April 10th to Oct. 30th, 2022 - Nov. 6th to Dec. 25th, 2022

Click here to listen to St. James Westminster Christmas Services for 2022

Click here to listen to concerts recorded at St. James Wesminster

January 1st to May 28th, 2023

(Services can be downloaded by clicking or tapping ⋮ on the right side of the player.)

St. James Sunday Service for May 28th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

Image related to the Homily
Walter Elias Disney

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn 'Veni Sancte Spiritus - Come, Holy Spirit'

Processional Hymn CP #635  'Holy Spirit, Come wth Power'
Processional Hymn CP #635  'Holy Spirit, Come wth Power'

Communion Hymn CP #686  'Here I Am, Lord'

Recessional Hymn CP #416 'All Things Bright and Beautiful'

Previous Services

St. James Sunday Service for May 21st, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn 'Come, People of the Risen King'

Presentation Hymn 'They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love'
Presentation Hymn 'They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love'

Communion Hymn CP #645  'Come Down, O Love Devine'

Recessional Hymn CP #247 'Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise'

St. James Sunday Service for May 14th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by Sophia Dencev on violin, soloist Natalie Grant and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Image related to the Homily
The Touch of the Master's Hand

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #425  'Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee'

Presentation Hymn CP #435 'Take My Life, and Let It Be'

Communion Hymn CP #429  'For the Beauty of the Earth'

Recessional Hymn CP #399 'Now Thank We All Our God'

St. James Sunday Service for May 7th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland
and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Image related to the Homily
COVID 19 Antigen Test

Hymns for this Service
Processional Hymn CP #300  'Christ Is Made of Sure Foundation'

Psalm 31 'In You, O Lord, I Found Refuge'
Psalm 31 'In You, O Lord, I Found Refuge'
Psalm 31 'In You, O Lord, I Found Refuge'

Presentation Hymn CP #387 'All Praise to Thee'

Communion Hymn CP #569  'Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life'

Recessional Hymn CP #383 'Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun'

St. James Sunday Service for April 30th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Deacon Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Ralph Thorn played the pipe organ accompanied by soloists Paul Grambo and Victoria Piovesan and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Images related to the Homily
The Good Shepherd The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd

St. James Sunday Service for April 23rd, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Natalie Grant and The St. James Westminster Choir.

Road to Emmaus stained glass window discussed in the homily
Road to Emmaus

Paintings discussed in the homily
Painting 1

Painting 2

Painting 3

This Service's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #242  'This Is the Feast of Victory for Our God'

Psalm 116 'Third Sunday of Easter'

Presentation Hymn 'Easter Evening'
Presentation Hymn 'Easter Evening'

Communion Hymn CP #237  'Now the Green Blade Rises'

Recessional Hymn CP #374 'Alleluia! Sing to Jesus'
Recessional Hymn CP #374 'Alleluia! Sing to Jesus'

St. James Sunday Service for April 16th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon and Archdeacon Ken Anderson presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by Soloist Jack Sizeland with The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Service's Hymns
Processional Hymn CP #205  'The Day of Resurrection'

Presentation Hymn  CP #212 'The Strife Is O'er'

Communion Hymn 'Christ, Be Our Light'

Recessional Hymn 'Jesus, Be My Guide and Teacher'

St. James Easter Sunday Service for April 9th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by trumpeters Paul and Riley Stevenson, soloist Paul Grambo with The St. James Westminster Choir.
Soloists during the Psalm were Andrea Manias, Tim Fewster, Emilie Paraskevas and Tom Adam

This Service's Hymns
Gradual Hymn CP #203 - 'Jesus Christ I Risen Today'

Processional Hymn CP #206  'Christ the Lord Is Risen Today'

Communion Hymn CP #231  'The Eastertide with Joy Was Bright'

Recessional Hymn CP #210 'Yours Be the Glory, Risen, Conquering Son'

11 a.m. Good Friday Service for April 7th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon and Gerry Adam presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloists Katy Clark, Jack Sizeland Paul Grambo and Victoria Piovesan with The St. James Westminster Choir.
The prelude and postlude were performed by Alexandre von Wartburg on bassoon and Eliza Lam on harp.

This Service's Hymns
Hymn CP #192 - 'Were You There'

Hymn CP #537 'In the Cross of Christ I Glory'
Hymn CP #537 'In the Cross of Christ I Glory'

7 p.m. Maundy Service for Thursday, April 6th, 2023

Paintings described in Gerry Adam's homily
Maundy Painting 1

Maundy Painting 2

This Service's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP  #54 'Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken'

Psalm 116

Hymn CP #568  'Nothing Can Trouble'
Hymn CP #194  'Stay With Us'

Offertory Hymn CP #76 'Thee We Adore, O Hidden Saviour, Thee'

Communion Hymn CP #52  'O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near'

Communion Anthem 'Adoramus Te Christe'

St. James 4 p.m. Evensong Service for April 2nd, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by soloists Jack Sizeland and Victoria Piovesan with The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Service's Hymn
Hymn CP #171  'What Does the Lord Require'

St. James Palm Sunday Service= for April 2nd, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloists Katy Clark and Victoria Piovesan with The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Hymn - 'Hosanna in the Highest'

Opening Hymn - All Glory Laud and Honour

Hymn CP #179 'Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery'

Hymn CP #634  'Jesus, Remember Me'

Hymn CP #184 'My Song Is Love Unknown'

St. James Sunday Service for March 26th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn 'Lord Have Mercy, Kyrie Eleison'

Psalm 130 – CP# 542 'Out of the Depths'

Offertory Hymn CP #134 'All My Hope on God is Founded'

Communion Hymn CP #439  'Blest Are the Pure in Heart'''

Recessional Hymn CP #341 'God of Mercy, God of Grace'

St. James Sunday Service= for March 19th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by guitarist and vocalist Duncan Sizeland, The De Souzas on mandolin and fiddle, Dave Nuttall on pennywhistle and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn 'Lord Have Mercy, Kyrie Eleison'

Psalm 23 'My Shepherd, You Supply My Need'

Offertory Hymn CP #3 'Morning Has Broken'

Communion Hymn CP #354 'Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing'

Recessional Hymn CP #505 'Be Thou My Vision'

St. James Sunday Service for March 12th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn 'Kyrie Eleison'

Psalm #95

Offertory Hymn CP #508  'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say'

Communion Hymn CP #386 'When I Survey the Wonderous Cross'

Recessional Hymn CP #537 'In the Cross of Crist I Glory'

St. James Sunday Service for March 5th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Katy Clark and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Prelude CP #449 'How Shall They Hear the Word of God'

Opening Hymn 'Kyrie Eleison'

Hymn CP #543 'Unto the Hills around Do I lift Up' (Psalm 21)

Offertory Hymn CP #602 'Lift High the Cross'

Communion Hymn  'Be Not Afraid'

Recessional Hymn CP #330 'O Praise Ye the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for February 26th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon and Archdeacon Ken Anderson presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and the St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn 'Kyrie Eleison'
Opening Hymn 'Lord Have Mercy, Kyrie Eleison'

Psalm #32

Offertory Hymn CP #533 'Jesus, Lover of My Soul'

Communion Hymn CP #352 'Amazing Grace'

Closing Hymn CP #564 'Lead Us, Seavenly Father, Lead Us'

St. James Sunday Service for February 19th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon and Archdeacon Ken Anderson presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloists Diane Grant and Paul Grambo with The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP  #162 'Sing of God Made Manifest'

Hymn CP #364 'Song of the Lamb'
Hymn CP #364 'Song of the Lamb'

Communion Hymn  CP #460 'Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining'
Communion Hymn  CP #460 'Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining'

Closing Hymn CP #337 'God, Your Glorious Presence'

St. James Sunday Service for February 12th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ, Eliza Lam played the pedal harp and grand piano, Alexandre von Wartburg played the bassoon accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #349 'All People That on Earth Fo Dwell'

Hymn CP #494 'Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels'

Offertory Hymn CP #355 'All Creatures of Our God and King'Offertory Hymn CP #355 'All Creatures of Our God and King'

Communion Anthem CP #418 'The Gift of Love'

Communion Hymn  CP #553 'Ubi Caritas et Amor'

Closing Hymn CP #486 'Love Devine, All Loves Excelling'

St. James Sunday Service for February 5th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by the De Souza family on violins, Duncan Sizeland on guitar and vocals and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #502 'You Are Salt for the Earth'

Offertory Hymn CP #678 'Let Us Build The City of God'

Communion Hymn CP #418 'Draw the Circle Wide'

Closing Hymn CP #190 'This Little Light of Mine'

St. James Sunday Service for January 29th, 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ and grand piano accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #10  'We, the Lord's People'

Psalm 'It Is Well with My Soul'

Offertory Hymn CP #631 'The Kingdom of God I Justice and Joy'

Communion Hymn CP #458 'Seek Ye First'

Closing Hymn CP #393 'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise'

St. James Sunday Service for January 22nd,2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the pipe organ accompanied by soloist Paul Grambo and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #425 'Joyful, joyful We Adore Thee'

Offertory Hymn CP #506 'Lord of All Hopefulness'

Communion Hymn CP #532 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus'

Closing Hymn CP #565 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'

St. James Sunday Service for January 15th, 2023 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano and pipe organ accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland and The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #465 'Gather Us In'
Opening Hymn CP #465 'Gather Us In'

Offertory Hymn CP #101 'Hail to the Lord's Anointed'
Offertory Hymn CP #101 'Hail to the Lord's Anointed'

Communion Hymn CP #430 'Will You Come and Follow Me' [Page 2]

Closing Hymn CP #312 'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'
Closing Hymn CP #312 'Sing a New Song unto the Lord'

St. James Sunday Service for January 8th, 2023

Archdeacon Ken Anderson and Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the Pipe organ accompanied by The St. James Westminster Choir.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #156 'The People That in Darkness Sat'

Psalm 118 'This is the Day'

Offertory Hymn CP #397 'Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness'

Communion Hymn CP 635 'Like the Murmur of a Dove's Song'

Closing Hymn CP #572 'Let There Be Light'

St. James Sunday Service for January 1st. 2023

Reverend Kevin Dixon presided over the Service.
Stephen Holowitz played the grand piano accompanied by soloist Jack Sizeland.

This Week's Hymns
Opening Hymn CP #154 'Joy To The World'

Hymn CP #137 'What Child Is This'

Offertory Hymn CP #145 'Good King Wenceslas'
Offertory Hymn CP #145 'Good King Wenceslas'

Closing Hymn CP #153 'Good Christians All, Rejoice'